So today I want to talk to you about content and why it’s just so ridiculously important! A lot of people don’t realise this, but it’s actually your content that builds the know, like and trust with your ideal customers and that forms real relationships and leads to them buying from you. So your content is such a crucial factor when it comes to growing your business!
I know all too well that creating content can be tough and seems like a never ending process, so I want to share some of my tips that I’ve learnt over the years to really help you and to keep things simple.
You may have heard people talking about content libraries and content strategies and be sat there panicking as you haven’t even got a clue where to start, never mind have an entire content library!! You might usually just wing your content day by day, which is fine – lot’s of people do – in fact I used to be exactly the same! The only problem I found with this is that I would find myself going into panic mode. So each day I’d stare blankly at my screen worrying about what I was going to post that day and I’d end up not posting anything at all or just getting any old thing out so I could tick the ‘posted to my page box’ for the day. So what ended up happening was that my posts were not the best quality they could be and this meant that my ideal customers were not connecting and engaging with them.
Once I realised that getting engagement is absolutely key to building relationships and getting people to buy from me – I knew that I needed to be a bit more strategic when posting to my page if I wanted to start seeing results. So in order to do this I stopped winging it day to day and started to plan my content out to make sure that what I was sharing was amazing and that my ideal customers would love and interact with it.
It took me a few simple steps to start creating amazing consistent content and I want to share with you what they are…
1. Content brain dump: Start off with a brainstorm of all the topics in your area of expertise that you could write about. Set a timer for 30 minutes and just write! So what areas do your ideal customers struggle with? What is keeping them awake at night? What topics will your ideal customers find really useful and what can you share that will help them? Getting it all out of your head and onto paper is an amazing first step!
2. Break it down: Once you have your key areas written down, you can then break it down further – so break your topics into sub-topics. To give you an example, my key area is Facebook Marketing – but I would then break this down into sub-topics which could be Facebook engagement, Facebook ads, ideas for what to post, tips on when to post, how to create amazing images for posts etc. I could even then break down a sub topic into more areas, for example with Facebook ads, I could break this down into boosting posts, setting up ads, ads to grow your list, using audience insights… the list goes on! So see how this works? Now spend 30 minutes giving it a go yourself and you’ll be amazed at how many topics you come up with to write about.
3. Create a place to store all your ideas: The next step is to create a central place to store all of these ideas. So it might be that you have a notebook dedicated to just your content ideas or you might use on online tool such as trello, asana or milanote. I currently use a notebook and milanote together and find this works really well. Whatever you decide to use, just makes sure you have a place to capture your ideas – as if they’re not written down the likelihood is you will completely forget about it when it comes round to posting to your page and will go back to staring blankly at your screen and we definitely don’t want that!
4. Plan your content: Every Monday morning I print out my planner and spend an hour brainstorming my posts for the week ahead. (Refer back to your content ideas of course!) This is so effective and it saves me so much stress as I’m not panicking about what to post each day to my page. So what can you share that will really help your ideal customers? What questions can you ask to get to know them better and to build relationships with them? What can you post that will really resonate with them? Can you share a glimpse of your personal life or a peek behind the scenes so that they can get to know you better? Remember our key aim is to build know, like and trust with our ideal customers through our page. What can you post to help build this? (To get a copy of my Facebook planner click here)
5. Schedule: I know that a lot of people feel that they’re just too busy to post to their page on a regular basis, or they intend to do it but it often falls to the bottom of their to do list. I used to have this problem too and to stop this happening I spend a bit of time at the beginning of every week to schedule just one post a day. That way no matter how busy you get – you know you’re covered on your page, and apart from checking in to respond to comments, you don’t have to worry about it. You can then always add in extra posts as you go along – but by getting one a day scheduled it takes the pressure off and will make things so much easier for you. This will also help with your organic reach as Facebook loves pages that post consistently and will reward them with better organic reach.
5. Re-purpose: I would say that this is something that 90% of people don’t do and that is to re-purpose your content. We spend so much time creating our fab content that we need to make sure that we are getting every last drop out of it. An amazing way to do this is to re-purpose it. So for example I always start with writing my blog. From this I then create a few questions for my page around that particular topic. I might then create 5-10 quick tips for my page and I could even create a video on the same topic and some inspirational quotes. So see how one piece of content can be used in lots of different ways? Also, remember that not everyone will see your content on your page all of the time, so don’t be afraid to re-share things a few weeks later – in fact I highly recommend you do this to make sure you’re getting this piece of content out there as much as possible and making the most of it!
I truly believe that sharing consistent, really valuable content with your ideal customers is the number one way to build relationships and grow your business. As it’s this regular content that will position you as the expert in your field and will get your ideal customers get to know, like and trust you! But, this will only happen if you are sharing consistent content. So you must focus on being consistent to keep yourself at the forefront of your ideal customers minds. Then, when they are ready to buy, they will think if you first!!
If you’d like more help with growing your business on Facebook, I’ve created a brand new masterclass that you’re going to LOVE! You can get it for just £19.99 and in it I show you exactly what you need to be focusing on to get real results from Facebook! So if you’re wanting to put an end to your Facebook frustration and get it finally working for your business, this is perfect for you! Click here for full details! 😊
Good luck with your content creation and if you have any questions at all just comment below or stop by my Facebook page to ask me there! 🙂